Sound healing therapy is the therapeutic use of sound, frequency and vibration to bring the body back in to alignment. Each organism has its own vibration and frequency rate, such as music that will vibrate through a glass. As the human body is made up on 70% water this makes a fantastic conductor for vibration and frequency. This can be done in many different ways!
The NHS now uses modern technology with vibrational sound waves used to treat kidney stones and vibrational therapy to treat prostate cancer. Which is to no surprise as we know the power that Sound Healing can hold!
Sound has been used dating back thousands and thousands of years and is a great way to bring the mind, body and spirit in to balance.
During sessions with me I use a variety of tuning forks that are all tuned to different frequencies meaning they can help with various different issues. They can be used directly on the body by stemming or off the body around the aura. We work with all the chakras to bring the body back in to alignment and a healthy state of being.
I also use other percussion instruments such as tubular chimes (see photo across), which are in the same frequency as many of my tuning forks, singing bowls, drums, rattles, kalimbas, chime bars and more.
Typically during a session we work with the body, the chakras, any symptoms that may be present or occurring in life and we work with the sound, vibration and frequency to release these and bring the mind/body/spirit back into alignment and a magnetic state of being.
No two sessions are the same due to the personal nature of the sessions which is what makes them so unique to each client.
I see clients for a huge range of reasons such as:
general aches/pains
mental health
loss of self
If you are interested in a session and would like to book with me, please click here for information on the sessions I can offer.